Difficult-to-treat RA

KINERET for difficult-to-treat RA

Why some RA patients don’t respond to conventional therapies

If your patient has tried and failed multiple RA treatments, their disease may be driven by autoinflammation.1,2

Difficult-to-treat RA

An older couple wearing sunglasses holds hands and walks through tall grass in a field on a clear day while looking at each other

RA exists along a spectrum

Though RA is primarily defined as an autoimmune disease, the distinction between autoimmune and autoinflammatory disease isn’t clear. Because there are various interactions and similarities between the innate and adaptive immune systems, they may be viewed as 2 ends of the same spectrum.1,2 Some patients have RA that is closer to the autoinflammatory end of that spectrum.1

A horizontal cylindrical shape represents the spectrum of rheumatoid arthritis. On the left of the shape it says "AUTOIMMUNE" with 13 human-shaped icons above it. On the right side of the shape it says "AUTOINFLAMMATORY" and has only 3 human-shaped icons above it

Where does your patient’s RA fall?

Understanding which end of the spectrum your patient’s disease leans toward can be challenging, but there are key clues to watch for. Along with treatment history, you may want to consider any elevated acute-phase reactants and extraarticular signs of inflammation, including:

  • Fever3,4
  • Rash1
  • Fatigue3,4
  • Muscle weakness4
  • Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (dry eye)4


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Megan, an adult female patient with rheumatoid arthritis, stands outside her house holding a thermos and tote bag. She has a determined look on her face as she looks up at the sky

Steroid resistance can be a telling clue

Since RA is typically considered an autoimmune disease, therapies targeting the adaptive immune system (like steroids) are often prescribed. But autoinflammatory disease isn’t usually well controlled by these types of therapies.3 There may be several factors at play, including:

A group of randomly scattered dots

The overexpression of
cytokines that suppress
steroid sensitivity5

An inverted triangular shape consisting of rows of hexagons. The first 4 rows of hexagons fit perfectly together while the next 3 rows appear jumbled and do not fit together

Dysregulation of
steroid receptors5

Three arrows intertwine and point upward

The signaling of
inflammatory pathways5

A double helix


KINERET is a very specific treatment for a very specific RA patient

RA that is primarily autoinflammatory may be mediated by interleukin-1 (IL-1), cytokines produced by cells in the innate immune system.6 KINERET is an IL-1 receptor antagonist, blocking an underlying cause of inflammation in difficult-to-treat RA.7

Learn how KINERET works